7 traits that classify you as an introvert

7 Power traits that reveal you are a true introvert

The first step towards being self aware and becoming who you really are starts with knowing your personality type. For me, it took me a while to learn myself and embrace my introversion. Because my immediate environment at that time made my behavioral traits look like something of an issue. Like an illness I needed to find a cure for.

I was given so many labels that wasn’t a true representation of who I was as a person. And in the society we live in, if you don’t know who you are, you can easily get thrown around. Which can result in self doubt and a lack of confidence in who you are. 

Now if you are on that road to learning more about yourself and becoming who you really are, here are 7 traits that classify you as having an introverted personality. 

You love writing

It gives you the opportunity to put your deepest thoughts and emotions down on a personal level. 

Chatting online as a better means of communication
Photo by Ketut Subiyanto from Pexels

You see it as a much better means of communication to talking. You’d prefer to chat online all day than to pick one single phone call. Conversations flow better for you when you can get like 3 to 5 seconds to think deeply about what you want to say before replying. Rather than saying the first thing that pops up in your head. 

If this sounds like you, then that’s characteristic one of identifying as an introvert. 

You cherish quiet moments 

Your quiet times are like an addictive drug. It’s the time you use to recharge. To get your energy back, the time you get to relax with a good book. Or catch up with your favorite movie or simply resting in the refreshing and calming state of solitude. 

Without these moments, your day feels incomplete or you feel like you aren’t functioning properly.

Get drained after being in a crowd

Loss of energy after being in a crowd or gathering is something that is common with introverts. Energy drain not from seeing lots of people’s faces. But energy drain that comes from making mindless little chitchats with too many people at the same time.

After a certain period of being in a setting like this, your energy starts getting depleted.  And the urge to break away, even if it’s just a few minutes of alone time starts increasing. If you’re unable to make a run for it at this time, you start getting anxious or cranky. Anything or anyone can make you cry at this point. 

All you want is to be in your bed, having a quiet moment where you can breathe a sigh of relief.

You thrive best in one on one intimate meetings or gatherings with lesser number of people

Since small talk is not a strong point for you. You prefer to be in a gathering with lesser number of people at a time. So you can successfully manage the interactions. And engage in conversations around topics you are passionate about. 

This also enables you to employ one of your strongest character trait which is listening. And also helps you form deep, intimate connections with the person you’re conversing with. Because you got to understand them better.

Feel Comfortable being alone

You know when I tell people I don’t get bored when I’m alone, they tend to look at me weirdly. Like you must be joking. But that’s actually the honest truth. I really don’t detest comfortable silences at all.

Spending your alone time reading
Photo by Thought Catalog from Pexels

So like me, if you can spend time on your own, in your own space without tiring out. Or without trying to fill all of that free time with unnecessary activities, then you really are an introvert.

Self reflection is a strong point

If you go on random inner musings from time to time. Thinking thoughts of how your day went, what you can do to be better, thoughts on a book you just read. Or a social issue you just noticed, which makes you become more self aware. Then you’re a true dreamer and an actual introvert. 

You detest group work

You know for me, one of the quickest ways to classify me as a dullard is to ask me to come work in the same space with other people. Rather than me doing it on my own  in my own quiet space. Working in a team where we only gather to  discuss what we’ve worked on. And what our next steps are going to be is perfectly fine for me. 

But a team where we have to do the actual work together at the same time is that one thing I can’t handle. I find that I need solitude to be able to concentrate and do a perfect job.

If any of the above personality traits resonates with who you are as a person, then welcome aboard. Your introversion is not a disease that needs a cure. But one of the true characteristics that make you who you are. 

Take this test right here to find out more about the exact type of introvert that you are. 

7 power signs that show you as a true introvert
Photo by RF._.studio from Pexels
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