Writing in a journal

Journaling- the ultimate life hack

There is really not a single one of us that isn’t talented. Creativity runs through us all in one way or the other. We all have brilliant ideas inside us waiting to be executed. But how can we filter out the gem from the dust if we don’t write these thoughts and ideas down as soon as we get them.

Journaling is one of the best ways to do that.

It has helped me significantly as an adult. It helps me cement my thoughts, gives all those great ideas I have in my mind room to take root and also helps keep me in focus. When I’m feeling burnt out or mentally blocked, I look at my journal and it re-energizes me.

It helps me discover what my goals are, figure out things that are most important to me and my “personal growth”. And also pushes me to take action.

When I read through some of my old journal entries, I get to discover more valuable insights about myself. I see all the obstacles I’ve overcome. All the struggles I’ve scaled through. And how strong of a person I am.

I get to notice how much I’ve grown and how all the little steps I take every day are not in vain. How it has all accumulated into this massive, successful stuff I didn’t think was possible for me at the start.

This motivates me to look towards the future with hope of better things come.

a journal and a pen
Photo by Polina Kovaleva from Pexels

Journaling and writing your thoughts down can earn you a big win. Although i get that some people feel a bit uneasy to travel through their thoughts and ask themselves personal questions.

Questions that have answers that can be a bit embarrassing to think deeply about not to mention writing them down. But the thing is, it gets easier down the lane. And the benefits of making that first move to write things down far outweigh the discomfort you feel about starting.

If I bring out my journal and show you the first entry I wrote, you would put your hands over your eyes in shame for me. Because I just kept rambling on, afraid to get into my inner core and write my thoughts down.

The entry had no head or tail. I just kept going on and on. But I made it a point of duty to write in my journal every day whether I had something to write about or not. Till I started getting used to it. And i can honestly tell you now that my journal has since become my best friend.

You don’t necessarily have to write deep stuff all the time. It can be as simple as how your day went. What you had for breakfast, lunch or dinner. Who you hung out with that day or who you ran into etc.

Sometimes though, you have to get into the nitty gritty of your emotions. Putting them all down exactly how it appears in your brain. Pour it all out in written words so you can breathe easy.

If you are more of a visual person and you find writing or typing for long hours a bit stressful, you can try taking picture memories. A folder on your phone where you can store pictures of significant moments in your life. You just got a new job, take a picture to that effect. Could be a selfie of you in that joyful state or a picture of where you were on that particular day.

A picture you can look at with fondness years later. Basically anything that resonates with you at that point in time. Capture it and store in that folder.

If talking out loud is more of your thing, you can do a private recording of yourself talking about your feelings using the voice app on your phone. Just do something. Don’t let that moment pass. Immortalize it.

Find out what works best for you and I assure you your future self will thank you for this.

Kindly let me know if you found this helpful. You can also share with others you feel might be in need of it.

journaling, the ultimate life hack
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